Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): The Basics


Course Length: 2 hrs. Student Contact

Certificate of Completion: Included

Course Overview

Since the U.S. Supreme Court extended the reach of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Congress adopted special laws for the public sector the FLSA has been an ongoing source of liability and confusion for public employers. In this course, we discuss the basic rules of FLSA such as overtime compensation requirements, the 40 hours work who is covered by the FLSA in whole or in part. We discuss exemptions to the overtime requirements, how to calculate compensable hours worked and the concept unique to the public sector of paid compensatory time in lieu of cash. Criminal justice professionals will be especially interested in the options granted in law that recognize law enforcement and fire are special 24/7 operations with their own special set of rules.

Learning objectives:

Upon the completion of this course you will learn:

  1. The history of the FLSA and its application to the public sector.
  2. The different topics covered by the FLSA and enforced by the Department of Labor.
  3. Key definitions of the FLSA such as “hours worked” and “workweek”.
  4. Those that are exempt and not exempt from the overtime requirements of the FLSA.
  5. The special feature of compensatory time available in the public sector.
  6. Special work period rules available to law enforcement, corrections, and firefighters.
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